About Pal-Mac Raider Robotics Team 1518
Our team has many departments for organization of our team. This page reviews the roles in our organization. Currently, we have Mechanical/Fabrication, Electrical, Programming, and Animation/Web Design teams.

The Raider Robotics Team is made up of several groups to enable the team to complete the FIRST project efficiently. By dividing into specialized groups, students are able to focus on specific aspects of the project. Students will volunteer and/or be assigned by the faculty advisor(s) to these groups. There are many groups for which members can specialize outlined below. Also, see our business page regarding sponsorship and fundraising for the team.
Below you will find our teams organization and roles during the robotics season
The mechanical/fabrication team is responsible for the design and production of all mechanical components for the robot, as well as the fabrication of the entire robot. All components are first designed in a CAD program, and usually a prototype will be produced before the final assembly is created. This team is also responsible for the design, construction, and assessment of the in game piece manipulator for the robot.
The programming team is responsible for the development and maintenance of all of the coding that will enable the robot to maneuver throughout the FIRST Robotics Competition; this includes both the autonomous and manual mode control settings. This team is also responsible for learning and understanding all of the written rules and standards of the FIRST Robotics game match to instruct the team on what can and can't be done to better the robot.
The electrical team is responsible for the design, production, and assessment of all of the electrical components that will be used upon the robot and inside the user control panel, as well as the configuration of all of the electronically controlled systems. This team is also responsible for any and all pneumatically controlled devices that the robot may use, such as a claw-like holding structure, in this year's FIRST Robotics Competition.
Animation/Web Design
The animation/web design team is responsible for the teams website design, construction, and maintenance in order to ready it for the FIRST Webpage award. This team is also responsible for any and all animation and photography that will be done on the team, including photos and videos created from the robots construction, team meetings, special projects, and any footage of this years FIRST Robotics Competition.
If you’d like more information about our team, get in touch today.